Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Meet Kitty: July 2009 Cutest Kid

I would like to introduce you to Kitty. She is the BCK Cutest Kid for July 2009.


Kitty is Ponglish. That's half Polish and half English! Here are some other fun facts about this adorable little girl!

Nickname: Kit Kat, Kicia, Kitek, The Cat
Age: 7 months
Loves: Sleeping (aren't mom & dad so lucky!)
Doesn't Love: being disturbed while sleeping, noise
Favorite Food: still milk (again, aren't mom & dad so lucky!) and apple puree
Favorite Color: Pretty in Pink
Favorite TV Show: Spongebob Squarepants
Favorite Book: It's Not My Dog
Favorite Animal: Dog

Click Here to learn how to enter next month's Cutest Kid Contest.