Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Meet Prudence: June 2009 Cutest Kid

I would like to introduce you to Prudence. She is the BCK Cutest Kid for June 2009.

Prudence was named after the Beatles song Dear Prudence. Here are some other fun facts about this adorable little girl!

Nickname: Prue
Age: 81/2 months
Loves: Crawling & Petting the cats (more like pulling at their fur).
Doesn't Love: carrots, she has been known to spit them at the faces of anyone who is nearby.
Favorite Food: Sweet Potatoes
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite TV Show: Sid the Science Kid
Favorite Book: Things on the Farm
Favorite Animal: Cat
Funniest Moment: She's started scrunching up her nose making silly faces all the time!

Click Here to learn how to enter next month's Cutest Kid Contest.